Long Range Transportation Plan
The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) or the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), is a federally required document for all metropolitan planning areas. It must cover at least a 20-year timeframe for all transportation related projects (highways, roadways, bridges, sidewalks, greenways, public transportation within a metropolitan boundary. The document must be updated every 5 years (4-years within air quality non-attainment or maintenance areas). The LRTP serves two major functions; record the region's vision and goals for the regional transportation system and guide the project prioritization and expenditure of federal transportation funding. The LRTP must be financially constrained, meaning that all federal, state and local funds are able to pay for all transportation projects within the LRTP.
LAMTPO updates the LRTP on a 4-year cycle to be consistent with the Knoxville TPO. The next LRTP will be the 2050 MTP, and the process is underway.
The 2045 MTP and the Mobility Plan 2045 are now available.